Tuesday, 9 July 2013


A lot is said about change. A lot. Stuff like, it's inevitable, has to happen, is welcome sometimes, you should carry your own, etc.

"They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."
It is like explaining the relation between the present and the future.
By the time that you realize that you have changed, or your surroundings have, or the people in your life have, it's already too late to do anything about it. Sometimes it is a good thing and the change is helpful, sometimes it's bad and you want to avoid it at all costs. However sometimes, it is a bad thing, but we still want it, because often our present can become a little too overwhelming, for us to continue to think properly, and sometimes, you don't want to keep making the effort to make sense out of nothing. Sometimes you just want life to take control (Auto-pilot, if you will).

But sadly, that is the thing about change. It itself is unbiased. The question only is how you perceive it. It can be your best friend, or your worst enemy, it can also be that guy in your class who   you call only for some administrative thing  or whom you hang around with when you crew is absent. (Ok, to be honest that 3rd option was a little cryptic. Delve into it. The meaning is somewhere.)

It's just that the one needs to make peace with their past, be accepting of their present I guess then only can that person be ready for his/her future. Maybe that is the greatest lesson any of us can learn. To learn about faith, anticipation, bravery and the ability to be at peace.
All we can hope for I guess, is to take the leap, because like it not you will have to jump. It's on you whether you do it at your own accord or are pushed into it.
Always dreaming for the best.