Saturday 22 December 2012

The Phoenix's Ashes

If there is anything you learn from television, movies , video games, and always life, NOTHING, and I mean absolutely nothing compares to a fresh start. I think all of us could do with one right about now. This country could really use one. The fall of 2012 was correctly called the end of humanity. In God’s own land, multiple instances of molesting a woman’s modesty, the fall of Democracy. The  almost symbolic  transition of the world’s largest “democracy” to an authoritarian,  unabashed, disgraced government.  Having our Tianmen  Square to boast about. That is what all of us saw. Though perhaps we should see this year in a different way. The crimes undoubtedly shameful did actively make the problem real.  The common man, finally realized the many instances of rape occurring in the country had reached a horrendous level. This is perhaps the nadir of our society. When no one, be it a  three year old infant is brutally assaulted and left disturbed emotionally and physically all the way to the aging. The thing is the apathy, people are finally realizing has to stop. I hope that at least. The usual comment “Iss desh ka kuch nahi ho sakta “ is faltering because,  everyone hopefully has had enough of it. Perhaps this is our own Jasmine Revolution. Maybe this is how it starts. With an epiphany that this country and its citizens deserve more. They deserve to be proud, and walk confidently.  They deserve a chance to LIVE, not just exist. For that they need a fighting spirit and chance. These declarations might seem pre-mature. My assumptions and hopes might be easily dashed in  the future, but I would like to believe every individual today witnessed first hand   why a Democracy is called a government of , by and( hopefully in the future) for the People.

People have talked about this being a fad like phenomena. About how it’ll just die down, and soon no one will care. So does that mean, now when we have a chance to make a difference we should be all resigned to  fate on the basis of past. As previous instances have shown there will be no success means that we shouldn’t even try? Every small action does move the wide force. Every little star that twinkles, makes up the galaxy. Every   small action due to its occurrence causes a consequence. So when a number of such actions occur I think logic dictates that they  will have a major effect. Anyway, its better than just being naysayer.

A country isn’t what defines a person. Rather the people define the country. A Democracy shows effort. So we have a choice. What do we want our country to represent? Do we want it to be a correct expression of the will of the people, or is it just better off being ruled by a plundering  political class and an apathetic, cynical body of citizens?
They say that politics will destroy this country and that there is nothing we can do about it. Well perhaps we can’t, but in the words which always send a chill through me ”we can damn well avenge it!” We need to show that its time for the change to happen, and if not then a long struggle as essential as that of our freedom lies ahead.
This is OUR country. It is embodies our hopes, faith and belief. We have left it to the mischievous  caretakers for enough time now.  We need to make it a better place. A place fit for its citizens.  A place deserving of its existence. A Democratic Country.