Thursday 31 December 2020

More Reality for our Morality

I feel I might’ve bitten off more than I can chew here. 

The two aspects that this year have been pushed to the breaking point. It’s been a trying year for the depths of human compassion, empathy, survivalist drive & a sheer fight for will wherever it may hide. The world we left one night comforted by walls of privilege seemed to unravel overnight in front of our eyes. But did it? Was it really ever about one night? One person? One victim? One patient? I think the biggest testament to this year are the two words of absolute terror “Community Transmission”.

The world has been far from perfect, burdened by visions, fears, greed & faith of billions, and ideas of billions before. But through it all this hurtling rock has hummed along. Indifferent & passive to screaming echoes in the void. And yet, this same strange rock contains within it a flavourful melody of anxiety riddled beings. Everyone living within their own confines & a shared reality differentiated by perspectives. Our shout of individuality has been our identity. Somewhere though this singular claim has become probably the most poisonous aspect of our society. We’re living in a world today where our identities are diminished on the verge of being denied. Socio-economic constructs have emerged as larger class barriers & within the confines of these intervals, humanity is pigeonholed with its own sense of morality, subject to its own tense of mortality.

This isn’t another review of 2020. Enough number of board meetings, news anchors, corner-stores have presented enough number of views on it, but probably the only aspect which needs to be derived from it is its unnerving almost militaristic sense of confrontation. The year has thrust into faces of everyone ready to face it, the kind of world we are living in. Biases, privilege have never been clearer, the demands of occupations, lack of representation of the disenfranchised, inequity of resources they are all on display through one form or another. And here we are. At a borderline of time with the option to stare dully at passing sands ready to quietly live in a world where these are blatant truths & are happening with our full knowledge and assent (by silence). This isn’t the world anymore where sinister phantoms were lurking in the shadows and we had to fear systems we couldn’t imagine. The monsters are out in the open and it is hunting season.

In an increasingly diversity gifted world, with civilization capable of showing empathy & genuine desire for brining altruistic change, our attentions are split and purposely distracted as a call to action for imaginary wars & agendas. Issues which might not exist, but are more importantly not asking the populace to contribute anything more than their silence. This silence though isn’t what they’re after. They are stealing voices. Voices which deserve to be heard and have minds behind them with ambitions, desires and fears that are being led astray into constricted buckets to engage those actually waging a war for the truth of the human spirit.

We are mortal beings faced with the daily reminder of our timed existence.

Our moral code exists to justify and canonize our usage of this life but how is this definition becoming standardized? Why is tribalism tied to this idea of self-preservation? The very nature of people is to evolve, change & grow to become better being capable of higher thought that both affirms our existence and the necessity to sustain it. Why are we using history & heritage for destroying rather than unifying?

We need to look how we got here. How our isolationism & desire for validation of our existence derailed into this new fight for decrying whatever does not fit within our definition. We cannot hope to forsake those with us because the tomorrow is “ours”. Time’s arrow moves forward & it will arrive here regardless. Unless that future tomorrow is something that is a shared vision, it will always remain incomplete & incapable of ever being anyone’s dream.

The question of any progress that is unable to be holistic is painfully ignorant. Any progress that embeds pain within it is a pointless scream into nothingness that’s begs for recognition for perceived sacrifice, only there is no recognition for any such pain. There isn’t a voice that replies & acknowledges. There is only the depth of biting silence & the pain of those who suffer silently & even worse, unwillingly to the whims of abstract power constructs. Battles of faith, as abstract textual concepts of great inspiration which demand interference of actual people & lives? Battles of economics that demand sacrifice for value. Of individuals, abilities, capabilities & the environment. Real damage that is meted out for concepts intended to be simple interpretations, to simplify & unite people are sowing the seeds of discord and disharmony.

There isn’t any big change in the offing. There isn’t a scripted response & change that’ll come unless it is built & made. Reality doesn’t bend to imagination. It can be guided by it through effort, inclusivity & determination. It’s necessary for us to relearn that & understand our change will have to be ushered in within ourselves. It will be uncomfortable because it will force us to grow, be, do & seek better.

This is our world. This is our reality and it needs to be changed. Apathy & hopelessness have to be rightfully discarded in this cluster-damn of a year which has rightfully shown the rewards for the fighters of both sides. For those who have picked up their share of efforts & driven evolution, have shown that their vision can & will inspire. They need us to join them. Our best brains need our best minds for building this future where we live up to the magic of our existence. And it starts when we do.